A big thank you to NERA - National Energy Resources Australia for hosting us at the NERA Hydrogen Zone at the APPEA Conference that occurred in Perth last week and giving JWA the opportunity to present our solar-powered water distillation technology Flamingo.
Bridgeport Energy Limited's presentation on the paper "Solar driven produced water treatment for beneficial uses", co-contributed by our project partners Bridgeport Energy, University of Technology Sydney, and JWA, created a lot of interest in this new technology. This presentation demonstrated one of many exciting circular economy opportunities for Flamingo.
'Solar driven produced water treatment for beneficial uses' peer-reviewed paper - Abstract
This study evaluates the feasibility of an emerging technology - Concentrated Solar Multi-Effect Distiller (CSMED) - for purifying produced water from the Kenmore oil field for livestock watering, irrigation, municipal, and potable use. The process utilises a concentrated solar unit to heat the produced water and a multi-effect distiller with vaccum suction pressure to condense water vapour making the process ideal for remote area uses. Historical water parameters of the produced water from an oil field were assessed against the water guideline for irrigation, livestocking, municipal, and potable use. Results show that without treatment the produced water does not meet the guideline values for the uses mentioned above. The thermally driven distillation process CSMED produces a high-quality distillate (i.e. treated water) free of all water contaminants. The treated water can be mixed with the produced water to increase the final product water volume. An Excel based model was developed to maximise the blending ratio while maintain the water quality for each beneficial use. For production of livestock watering and potable water use, a blending ratio between the CSMED distillate and chemically amended produced water can be applied, significantly increase the final water volume for beneficial use. The Excel based model could also indicate chemical addition for adjustment of sodium adsorption ratio in case of irrigation application. The waste brine, which remains in the CSMED system, contains a high level of ions that could be used as drilling mud additives. An on-site performance study of the CSMED system has been planned to validate these results.
If you are interested in reading the full research paper please contact us at [email protected]